Joanna Harries – Letters from Scandinavia

The first single from Joanna Harries‘ debut album Letters from Scandinavia, is out today. The album, with pianist Sholto Kynoch, features little recorded and world premieres of 19th century Lieder taking in Grieg, Stenhammer, Agathe Backer Grøndhal, Laura Netzel and Sibelius, interwoven with commissioned works from Peter Facer.

Today’s release, and Gramophone Magazine’s Video of the Day, is Säg mig, du lilla fogel by little known Swedish composer Laura Netzel (1839-1927). The score for this song only exists, in a handwritten manuscript in the Swedish Music Heritage archives, and Joanna transcribed and transposed it for recording. 

More singles will be released in coming months ahead of the album release on CRD Records on 5th September 2025.